
I would like to present this idea to you about integrating UI within Spotify. I use Spotify on a daily basis, and feel this added feature would provide music enthusiasts, like myself, with the ability to discuss and reflect on music as a whole The goal of this feature, LIVE Group is to provide users with the opportunity to discover and converse amongst other music lovers.


In today’s world of streaming music, hundreds of albums get dropped every Friday, under the playlist titled, New Music Friday. The only issue is, you typically do this alone. Friends often ask me if I’ve listened to this or that new album and my thoughts. In this day and age of being constantly discussing and debating with each other online – think Reddit – shouldn’t music enthusiasts have a constant forum stream as well?

Current Layout

Spotify’s current main menu allows you to see what your friends are listening to. However, if you ever wanted to communicate with them about a track or album, you’re going to have to contact them through other means.


The addition of a new feature will allow the user to connect even further with their peers, favorite artists and music curators. This feature is “LIVE Group”. It will exist as an additional tab in the main menu.


LIVE Group

Here is a closer look at the user profiles with listeners and descriptions.  

LIVE Group will contain all of your followers that have created groups to listen to everything from a brand new album, to a playlist with their favorite songs. This feature can be rewarding when discussing a new album, when collectively hearing the same part of the song at the same time.

Creating a Group

Say you want to listen to the new War on Drugs album the second it drops. Click on the Create Group and it will prompt an interaction asking if you would like to create a group. You simply invite friends and choose the music as the admin.


You will then be brought to the main menu of LIVE Group. Here is where you can see your LIVE Group as well as the list of songs in the queue. This functions just like an album or playlist would. On the right side of the page, is where you can have a LIVE chat with whoever is in the group at the moment.


The LIVE Chat will function just like any messenger displaying the Spotify user’s profile picture as well as their message. Their picture will be clickable allowing for easy access to their profile.


I love being able to develop an idea in my head that I feel would make something I regularly use better. Ultimately, this function will mesh well with the existing tabs. It will keep many of the same layout designs but serve as a more useful feature for music enthusiasts looking to connect, discuss and reflect.