
One of CNBC's most popular graphics, Wall graphics act as set pieces for the talent to both stand in front of and explain. These graphics can be really anything. While creating, one must work in a variety of constrictions as far as dimension and color.  

Show TemplateS

The ETF Exchange

Made for a segment that goes over the best ETFs to buy and sell. This template utilizes key-able highlights that are then animated one after another to give a rundown of headlines. One of the most important restraints was to retain the look and feel of the show in a manner that would allow future templates to be made in this look. 

"What's in this ETF" is an ETF Exchange template I created to showcase company logos that are currently excelling in the market.

Fast Money

Fast Money is one of CNBC's most popular shows as well as one of their most custom. As they have increased their number of segments, I have been lucky enough to design a number of templates. 

Made as a custom chart to show both line charts as well as a headshot related to information and statistics.

"The Playbook" is a Fast Money half screen template made to showcase 1-2 logos, or images related to stocks and companies.

Made as a custom template for Fast Money, The concept behind this was to make a checklist that features essential information to buy and sell stocks.